Urdu Press Promotion


There is always a different expression of words for different people representing different spheres of life. The language of expression differs with different target audiences. In literature, there are different language expressions in prose, poetry and drama. The language for Science and Technology is different and so is the case with the literary deliberations. It stands true for Journalism too.

The language of journalism is always in conformity with its target audience and their mental capabilities and their interest. The selection of words and styles are made such to capture their mind and hearts.

Notwithstanding the limitations of Urdu journalism and Press, Urdu played a very important role in India's freedom struggle. Conscious of this outstanding contribution of Urdu press and its important role in social stability, communal harmony and shaping the minority's thought process in post-independence era, NCPUL has taken a significant initiative for strengthening the Urdu press enabling it to face modern days challenges to cope up with the latest developments in media technology and fast-changing transmission technology.

UNI Urdu Teleprinter service was conceived in the year 1992. The initial block grant of Rs. 25 lakhs was released by the Government of India through the Department of Education, Ministry of HRD, to the UNI. This grant was meant for purchase of necessary equipment and the Urdu teleprinters.

The Council provides financial assistance to small and medium Urdu newspapers for availing Urdu service of UNI. This helps Urdu press to reproduce the news and views in Urdu without undergoing the arduous task of translation. Subsequently, this scheme was transferred to BPU/NCPUL and became operational since 1.1.1995.

Presently 96 Urdu dailies are connected to this national hook up, with the fast changing transmission technology. The service has been computerized and special Urdu software (filter) developed.

50% of UNI (Urdu) subscription is provided as subsidy by the NCPUL to individual newspaper and 75% in case of J&K. Annually a grant of about Rs. 25 lacs is provided for this service

The subsidy in this regard is released to U.N.I. Urdu Service.

This scheme is directly monitored by the Council. U.N.I. is giving utilization certificate to the Council after debiting the amount in the respective news paper's account.

Through this service the standard of Urdu dailies comes closed of national dailies and has increased their circulations among the Urdu readership due to variations in their news and views items.