Certificate in Papier Machie
Certificate Course in Papier Machie is a Six Month Certificate Course which was run in Jammu & Kashmir region in-collaboration with University of Kashmir on pilot basis. Now, NCPUL come to an agreement with CDI, Srinagar to run the course from the year 2000.First batch going to start from Oct, 2021.This course has been designed in Urdu language to preserve and promote the traditional decorative art & craft of Papier Machie in order to meet the expanding needs of Urdu loving people and Urdu related Papier Machie Industry. NCPUL provides financial assistance for setting up/running of Papier Machie Skill Development and Training Centers through CDI, Srinagar.
So far 600 trainees have been completed their training in 5 batches. Objective of the course is generating employment opportunities, to promote, develop and propagate Urdu language through art and craft.